>>DISCUSS: We have interoperable implementations of -13.  Does this mean that 
>>the EAP state machines *implicitly* work with the TLS state machines?  There 
>>is no *explicit* requirement in the draft about ordering, and no discussion 
>>thereof.  I suspect that this means the implementations work in part by 
>>accident, instead of by design.  So updates to TLS libraries *may* break 
>>EAP-TLS.  It would be best to make any assumptions explicit.  And / or to 
>>recommend to implementors that they be flexible with respect to changing 
>>order of the 0x00 octet vs session tickets.
>[Joe] Yes we should be clear about this.
[Jorge] My only recommendation would be to wordsmith this part of draft-13 
found in section 2.5. I am not a good wordsmith but I see potential confusion 
>After sending the Commitment Message, the EAP-TLS
>   server may only send an EAP-Success, an EAP-Failure, or an EAP-
>   Request with a TLS Alert Message.

[Jorge] The diagrams in the draft mostly imply that the commitment message 
being the last thing sent, after any NewSessionTicket. As stated, this is 
problematic since the TLS stack may re-order these, and the NewSessionTicket 
may have to come in another EAP-TLS fragment entirely if the combined message 
ends up crossing a fragment boundary.

In my mind, it is obvious that the rest of the EAP-TLS packet should be 
processed so that the EAP-TLS client can correctly receive the NewSessionTicket 
and any other handshake data that may have been in this final message. However, 
once that complete EAP-TLS packet is processed, the next message from the 
server should indeed be an EAP-Success, EAP-Failure, or EAP-Request with a TLS 
Alert Message as draft-13 indicates.

This is currently how the Windows client implementation operates, but it is 
mostly by chance. If we made the full processing of the EAP-TLS packet 
explicit, then I think this would resolve the concerns around ordering here.

Jorge Vergara

From: Emu <emu-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Joseph Salowey
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2021 2:00 PM
To: Alan DeKok <al...@deployingradius.com>
Cc: EMU WG <e...@ietf.org>; Benjamin Kaduk <ka...@mit.edu>; Martin Thomson 
<m...@lowentropy.net>; <tls@ietf.org> <tls@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [Emu] [TLS] Fwd: Benjamin Kaduk's Discuss on 
draft-ietf-emu-eap-tls13-13: (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)

HI Alan,

THanks for this message, comments inline below:

On Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 12:02 PM Alan DeKok 
<al...@deployingradius.com<mailto:al...@deployingradius.com>> wrote:
  This is a new message to summarize history, requirements, etc. for EAP-TLS 
and TLS 1.3.  The focus here is the requirements for EAP-TLS, and how the 0x00 
commitment message versus CloseNotify meets those.  I'll ignore the exporter 
changes here, as those are less controversial.

  The original proposal in the EAP-TLS draft was to send a zero-length 
application data message in order to signal that no more post-handshake 
messages were needed.  From the -05 version:

   When an EAP server has sent its last handshake message (Finished or a
   Post-Handshake), it commits to not sending any more handshake
   messages by appending an empty application data record (i.e. a TLS
   record with TLSPlaintext.type = application_data and
   TLSPlaintext.length = 0) to the last handshake record.  After sending
   an empty application data record, the EAP server may only send an
   EAP-Success, an EAP-Failure, or an EAP-Request with a TLS Alert

  However, the OpenSSL APIs (among others) do not allow for sending zero octets 
of application data.  The proposal was then changed to send a 0x00 octet.

 There was discussion that CloseNotify could achieve the same goals.  But 
CloseNotify requires an additional round trip.  There are strong opinions that 
additional round trips are bad.

  In addition, CloseNotify prevents the TLS layer from sending a TLS Fatal 

  i.e. there would be no TLS layer signalling for the following situations:

   bad_certificate,  unsupported_certificate,  certificate_revoked,
certificate_expired, certificate_unknown,  illegal_parameter, unknown_ca,
access_denied, etc

  This limitation would be an unmitigated disaster for EAP-TLS.  Those messages 
are required by people deploying EAP-TLS.  Without those messages, it will be 
near impossible to debug configuration issues.

  As a result, we cannot use CloseNotify to signal "no more handshake messages" 
from the server.

  There is a related issue, in that TLS 1.3 separates Session Tickets from TLS 
handshakes.  So it's still possible for the EAP state machine to send a 0x00 
octet, and then the TLS state machines sends that *before* a Session Ticket.

  In addition, RFC 8446 Figure 1 shows that application data can be sent by the 
server to the client, *before* the client certificate is sent to the server.  
So sending this octet in EAP-TLS does not prove that the client certificate has 
been validated.

DISCUSS: the EAP-TLS draft should explain that the 0x00 byte is NOT a positive 
signal of either "finished TLS", or "successful authentication".
[Joe] It would be good to be clear about the purpose of the message.

DISCUSS: the EAP-TLS draft should also explain that session tickets may be sent 
either before or after the 0x00 octet.  Does the packet flow look any different 
for the two cases?  If so, what does that mean?
[Joe] I believe the flow of the message flights would be the same, but the 
on-the-wire format of those flights could be reversed.  I don't think this will 
necessarily cause a problem since the application data is consumed by the EAP 
TLS and the NewSessionTicket is consumed by TLS,  However I think the draft 
should be clear that this can happen.

DISCUSS: We have interoperable implementations of -13.  Does this mean that the 
EAP state machines *implicitly* work with the TLS state machines?  There is no 
*explicit* requirement in the draft about ordering, and no discussion thereof.  
I suspect that this means the implementations work in part by accident, instead 
of by design.  So updates to TLS libraries *may* break EAP-TLS.  It would be 
best to make any assumptions explicit.  And / or to recommend to implementors 
that they be flexible with respect to changing order of the 0x00 octet vs 
session tickets.
[Joe] Yes we should be clear about this.

  In situations where resumption is not needed, figure 1 of 
 is correct.  There are 3.5 rounds, which is about as low as possible.  Adding 
resumption here would *increase* there number of rounds to 4.5, which is worse!

DISCUSS: the EAP-TLS draft Section 2.1.1 should be updated to note that this 
examples does not include Session Tickets.  Section 2.1.2 should be updated to 
note that there are more rounds than for the previous section.

[Joe] Yes.  It might be helpful to say that the commitment message may be sent 
before or after the client authentication is verified, but in the case that 
resumption is used it will always be after.

  In situations where the certificate chain is longer, the initial 
authentication will be >=4.5 round trips, and session tickets are perhaps more 

DISCUSS: the EAP-TLS draft should be updated to better explain the costs / 
benefits of using resumption

  I hope that this summary clarifies the issues and requirements.  The 0x00 
octet is intended as a promise that no more handshake messages are sent.  I 
leave it to others to discuss whether or not that promise is useful.

  As for what to do, my $0.02 is that the behaviour described in -13 is fine.  
The 0x00 octet is useful.  The key exporters are perhaps odd, but not 
problematic.  We have multiple inter-operable implementations.

  The remaining question is this:

DISCUSS: other than word-smithing the above points, are there serious 
objections to the behaviour documented in -13?  i.e. does the IETF want to 
recommend that EAP-TLS alpha testing begins *now*, or should it wait until 2022?
[Joe]  If we are going to make a change in the key derivation we should do it 
now.  Personally, I think we should update the key derivation to separate the 
MSK and EMSK, but it is workable as is.
I think there are potential issues around the ordering of the 0x00 octet and 
other messages, but I don't think this will require changes to implementations 
in the short term, but the spec needs to clarify this.

I would like to start "alpha" testing ASAP, if we find problems in the alpha 
test, it could result in implementation changes

  The only advice I offer here is that we *cannot* rev EAP-TLS, as there is no 
"version" flag in the EAP-TLS header.  See 

  So if we later discover that EAP-TLS is flawed, we can only deprecated 
EAP-TLS, and create a new EAP-TLS "prime", with a new EAP type code.
[Joe] Perhaps we could use an expanded EAP-Type for the alpha? Or perhaps 
experimental or a temporary experimental allocation could be made (not sure if 
that would be possible).

  Alan DeKok.

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