On Feb 1, 2021, at 1:30 PM, Joseph Salowey <j...@salowey.net> wrote:
> [Joe] This could also address the early export of keys before the peer is 
> authenticated. RFC 5216 provides a canonical way to create these IDs, but I'm 
> not sure anyone follows it today

  FreeRADIUS does not officially expose Peer-Id or Server-Id.  But the 
certificate subjectAltNames are available via the policy engine.  The greater 
difficulty is *which* Id to use.

  RFC 5216 Section 5.2 says:

   It is possible for more than one subjectAltName field to be present
   in a peer or server certificate in addition to an empty or non-empty
   subject distinguished name.  EAP-TLS implementations supporting
   export of the Peer-Id and Server-Id SHOULD export all the
   subjectAltName fields within Peer-Ids or Server-Ids, and SHOULD also
   export a non-empty subject distinguished name field within the Peer-
   Ids or Server-Ids.  All of the exported Peer-Ids and Server-Ids are
   considered valid.

> and it may be difficult to implement in practice due to ordering.  It might 
> be simpler to just specify that the end entity peer and client certificates 
> are used in the key derivation.  Most libraries provide APIs to get the raw 
> certs.

  Yes.  We expose the certs to the policy engine, along with various fields.  
Having the TLS exporter use more data should just be about updating some code.

  Alan DeKok.

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