
I updated the PR.  If there are no further objections, I will commit and submit 
a new version in time for the submission deadline.


> On 7 Oct 2021, at 21:37, Yoav Nir <ynir.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Since I prefer to have the discussion in a single place, I’m copying below a 
> comment by David Benjamin from GitHub:
>> On 28 Aug 2021, at 23:36, Yoav Nir <ynir.i...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:ynir.i...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> To address Michael StJohns comment from 19-July, I submitted PR #12:
>> https://github.com/tlswg/tls-flags/pull/12 
>> <https://github.com/tlswg/tls-flags/pull/12>
>> What is says is that any implementation receiving a malformed tls_flags 
>> extensions should abort the handshake. The text provides a list (which I 
>> hope is comprehensive) of all the ways this specific extension can be 
>> malformed. 
>> Please comment here or on the PR is this makes sense to everybody.
> My proposed text:
>>    An implementation that receives an invalid tls_flags extension MUST 
>>    terminate the TLS handshake with a fatal illegal_parameter alert. 
>>    Such invalid tls_flags extensions include: 
>>     * zero-length extension
>>     * Multiple tls_flags extensions for the same message
>>     * A flag set in the tls_flags extension of the wrong message, as 
>>       specified in the document for that flag     
> David’s comment about the zero-length extension:
>> If we want this to be invalid, we can put it in the TLS presentation 
>> language. Change FlagExtensions to:
>>       struct {
>>          opaque flags<1..255>;
>>       } FlagExtensions;
> David’s comment about the multiple extensions:
>> RFC8446 already prohibits this on the sender. We don't do a good job of 
>> defining the rules for the receiver, but that should probably be done 
>> uniformly across all extensions, rather than just in this one
> David’s comment about the flag on the wrong message:
>> This seems unimplementable. If I receive a message with a flag I don't 
>> recognize, I have no idea whether the flag is allowed in the message or not. 
>> Yet this text says I MUST enforce this rule. (There's probably some 
>> corresponding wording in RFC8446 we can borrow.)
>> Nit: It also seems better to phrase this in terms of the registry, rather 
>> than the document. We might have multiple documents for the flag if we have 
>> to update it.
> OK, so now my response:
> I agree with the first and second comments. About the third, what I meant was 
> that a supported flag that is supposed to appear only in CH appears instead 
> and CR, or more likely, a flag that should appear in EE apears in SH instead.
> But I think the best way to resolve the issue is to remove the bullet point 
> list and the last sentence before them, IOW: remove the examples.
> If this is agreeable to everyone, I will modify it in my PR.
> Yoav

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