Following the discussions around draft-bartle-tls-deprecate-ffdh and 
draft-aviram-tls-deprecate-obsolete-kex, and after consulting the chairs, we 
have merged the two drafts into draft-aviram-tls-deprecate-obsolete-kex.


The merged draft prescribes the following:

RSA key exchange is a MUST NOT.

NIST PQC API is Key Encapsulation – conceptually similar to RSA key exchange.


Non-ephemeral finite-field DH is a MUST NOT.

Overkill, and unnecessary. Should be SHOULD NOT.


Non-ephemeral ECDH is a SHOULD NOT.



Ephemeral finite-field DH (DHE) is a MAY, only when fully ephemeral, and only 
using a well-known group of size at least 2048 bits.

Overkill, though requiring sufficiently large group size is fine.



We added greater justification for point 3 above to address concerns previously 
raised on the list.


We'd love to hear your thoughts.


best wishes,

Carrick and Nimrod

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