I am working with Ashley and Rob Segers of FAA on this.  I don't make any claims of being able to comment on the TLS content.  I am providing IETF mentoring.  I work with Rob in ICAO TFSG items.

We want this discussed at IETF114.  Perhaps in SECDISPATCH if it does not need its own BOF.  Or as a TLS topic.


On 5/25/22 12:40, Ashley Kopman wrote:

I have just submitted a draft TLS Extension for Path Validation https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-segers-tls-cert-validation-ext-00.txt

The proposal is for a Path Validation Extension to provide a new protocol for TLS/DTLS allowing inclusion of certificate path validation information in the TLS/DTLS handshake. Specifically, it covers the use of Server-based Certificate Validation Protocol (SCVP) for path validation.

We are also finalizing a use case for civil aviation air-to-ground communications which should be submitted in the next day.

Please have a look at the draft and provide feedback.

Thank you,

Ashley Kopman

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