
I think RFC8447bis need to say something about at least DTLS 1.3 Record Number 

The two AEGIS algorithms recently got code points and DTLS-OK = Y even if there 
was no specification on how to do DTLS 1.3 Record Number Encryption

Both DTLS 1.3 Record Number Encryption and QUIC Header Protection will be added 
in the next version of the AEGIS draft. It is already merged to main.

Given that TLS WG is discussing deprecating (D)TLS 1.2 I don’t think you should 
get DTLS-OK = Y unless you specify how to do DTLS 1.3 Record Number Encryption.

At a minimum I think people should be reminded to specify QUIC and DTLS 1.3 
Header Protection. I also think it need to be clear that you don’t get DTLS-OK 
= Y unless you specify how to do DTLS 1.3 Record Number Encryption.

My preference would be a new column “Protocols” specifying which protocols the 
cipher suite can be used in. After the update the value for the AEGIS 
algorithms in that column would be “TLS 1.3, DTLS 1.3, QUIC”

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