On Wed, Sep 27, 2023, at 01:32, Hewitt, Rory wrote:
> Apologies if I should respond directly to the mailing list - my old W3C 
> profile has disappeared and I'm trying to get it back...

Just on this point.  Watson added the HTTP working group, which I think is the 
right thing to do here.  The maintenance of HTTP/3 now formally belongs in that 
group.  The work of defining a TLS extension for that purpose would occur there 
(if indeed a TLS extension is the right choice, as Watson asks).

As for the W3C involvement, the HTTP working group is an IETF activity that - 
for historical reasons - uses a W3C-hosted mailing list.  You don't need to be 
a W3C member to sign up for that list.  The process is just a little different 
than for other IETF lists.  See 
https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/ietf-http-wg/ for details.

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