When considering caching large public keys for TLS (or other protocols), please 
make sure the security considerations section carefully considers whether the 
proposed mechanism leaks information about whether the client has previously 
contacted the server and possibly how recently, etc.  




From: TLS <tls-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Kampanakis, Panos
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2023 9:48 PM
To: Mike Ounsworth <Mike.Ounsworth=40entrust....@dmarc.ietf.org>; tls@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [TLS] New Version Notification for 


Personally, I am against any practical use of McEliece given all the other 
available options. 1MB public keys are unnecessary, impact performance, and are 


Regardless of the public key in the cert though, RFC7924 allows (with other 
caveats) for not sending the server cert (and public key) if the client has 
prior knowledge of it. So, it solves the issue for TLS at least in one 


Are there any other uses for this draft? For example, what use-cases would see 
a material difference by omitting 1-2KB of the Dilithium or Falcon public key 
when the rest of the cert will still amount to 2-3KB (4-7KB if we add in SCTs)? 






From: TLS <tls-boun...@ietf.org <mailto:tls-boun...@ietf.org> > On Behalf Of 
Mike Ounsworth
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2023 6:19 PM
To: tls@ietf.org <mailto:tls@ietf.org> 
Subject: [TLS] FW: [EXTERNAL] New Version Notification for 




This is both a new draft announcement, and a request for a short (5 min?) 
speaking slot at 118.


We want to socialize the idea of X.509 certificates with external public keys 
(ie the cert contains a link and hash of the public key that can be fetched or 
cached out-of-band.


The primary motivator of this LAMPS draft is Classic McEliece encryption certs, 
but we think this could also be valuable for TLS authentication certs. 


Consider the following two potential use-cases:


1. Browsers

Browsers already have mechanisms to cache intermediate CA certificates. It does 
not seem like a big leap to also cache external public keys for the server 
certs of frequently-visited websites. (yes, yes, I know that the idea of 
caching server public keys runs counter to the desire for the Internet to move 
to 14-day certs. Shrug)


2. Mutual-auth TLS within a cluster

Consider a collection of docker containers within a kubernetes cluster. 
Consider that each container has a local volume mount of a read-only database 
of the public keys of all containers in the cluster. Then 
container-to-container mutual-auth TLS sessions could use much smaller 
certificates that contain references to public key objects in the shared 
database, instead of the large PQ public keys themselves.



Mike Ounsworth


From: Spasm < <mailto:spasm-boun...@ietf.org> spasm-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf 
Of Mike Ounsworth
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2023 5:16 PM
To: 'LAMPS' < <mailto:sp...@ietf.org> sp...@ietf.org>
Cc: John Gray < <mailto:john.g...@entrust.com> john.g...@entrust.com>; 
Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen < <mailto:m...@pqshield.com> m...@pqshield.com>; 
David Hook < <mailto:david.h...@keyfactor.com> david.h...@keyfactor.com>
Subject: [lamps] FW: [EXTERNAL] New Version Notification for 


Hi LAMPS! This is both a new draft announcement, and a request for a short (5 
min?) speaking slot at 118. Actually, this is not a new draft. Back in 2021 
Markku and I put forward a draft for External Public Key -- 




This is both a new draft announcement, and a request for a short (5 min?) 
speaking slot at 118.


Actually, this is not a new draft. Back in 2021 Markku and I put forward a 
draft for External Public Key -- draft-ounsworth-pq-external-pubkeys-00 (the 
only reason this is an -00 is because I included "lamps" in the draft name). 
The idea is that instead of a putting the full public key in a cert, you just 
put a hash and pointer to it:


   ExternalValue ::= SEQUENCE {

     location     GeneralName,

     hashAlg      AlgorithmIdentifier,

     hashVal      BIT STRING



That allows super small PQ certs in cases where you can pass the public key 
blob through some out-of-band mechanism.


Here's the mail list discussion from 2021:




It turns out that BouncyCastle has implemented this at the request of one of 
their customers as a way around megabyte sized Classic McEliece certs; it is 
especially useful for usecases where clients have a way to fetch-and-cache or 
be pre-provisioned with its peer's public keys out-of-band. As such, Entrust 
and KeyFactor are reviving this draft.


We suspect this might also be of interest to the TLS WG, but I will start a 
separate thread on the TLS list.




Mike Ounsworth


From:  <mailto:internet-dra...@ietf.org> internet-dra...@ietf.org < 
<mailto:internet-dra...@ietf.org> internet-dra...@ietf.org> 
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2023 5:12 PM
To: D. Hook < <mailto:david.h...@keyfactor.com> david.h...@keyfactor.com>; John 
Gray < <mailto:john.g...@entrust.com> john.g...@entrust.com>; Markku-Juhani O. 
Saarinen < <mailto:m...@pqshield.com> m...@pqshield.com>; John Gray < 
<mailto:john.g...@entrust.com> john.g...@entrust.com>; Markku-Juhani Saarinen < 
<mailto:m...@pqshield.com> m...@pqshield.com>; Mike Ounsworth < 
<mailto:mike.ounswo...@entrust.com> mike.ounswo...@entrust.com>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] New Version Notification for 


A new version of Internet-Draft draft-ounsworth-lamps-pq-external-pubkeys-00. 
txt has been successfully submitted by Mike Ounsworth and posted to the IETF 
repository. Name: draft-ounsworth-lamps-pq-external-pubkeys Revision: 00 Title: 


A new version of Internet-Draft
draft-ounsworth-lamps-pq-external-pubkeys-00.txt has been successfully
submitted by Mike Ounsworth and posted to the
IETF repository.
Name:     draft-ounsworth-lamps-pq-external-pubkeys
Revision: 00
Title:    External Keys For Use In Internet X.509 Certificates
Date:     2023-09-30
Group:    Individual Submission
Pages:    9
   Many of the post quantum cryptographic algorithms have either large
   public keys or signatures.  In the interest of reducing bandwidth of
   transitting X.509 certificates, this document defines new public key
   and signature algorithms for referencing external public key and
   signature data by hash, URL, etc.  This mechanism is designed to
   mimic the behaviour of an Authority Information Access extension.
The IETF Secretariat

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