On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 10:40 AM Andrei Popov <Andrei.Popov=
40microsoft....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> The use-case is not very clear to me: when is the decision whether to
> authenticate a client or not based on the availability of a pre-configured
> client certificate?
> If the client says they have a pre-configured cert, the server
> authenticates them; otherwise, the connection succeeds without client auth
> (and, presumably, the server returns a different response at the
> application layer)?

It looked to me like it's intended for mTLS behind a front-end server, not
really the open internet. But, the draft is very brief and I'm not sure.
Something like this: <https://linkerd.io/2.14/features/automatic-mtls/>

So, if you're operating a front-end server, you might not require a client
certificate from external clients, but you would for the internal clients.

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