Natanael writes:
> This assumes performance requirements only comes from settings like
> datacenters, but this is also likely to eventually get used in embedded
> devices some of which may be battery powered. Consider NFC devices such as
> security keys (typically 1-10 mW, less than 100 Kbps, and few available
> cycles).

Sure, security tokens could move from signatures to KEMs. The security
token's public key is then a KEM public key. To prove it's online (and
optionally approve and/or send some data), the token receives a KEM
ciphertext from the verifier, and uses the KEM session key as the key
for a MAC (or for an authenticated cipher to send secret data).

For Kyber-768, communicating 1088 bytes of ciphertext at (say) 106 Kbps
(minimum-speed NFC) takes 82 ms plus lower-layer overhead.

Meanwhile the "few" cycles that you're talking about would be on, say, a
Cortex-M4 running at tens of MHz (see
running Dilithium on an OpenSK security token), and this CPU would hash
1088 bytes with SHA3-256 in about 2 ms (even without Keccak hardware).
How is the user of the security token supposed to notice those 2 ms, or
another 2 ms to also hash the public key?

---D. J. Bernstein

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