I do not believe that "decode_error" would be the correct alert. As the text currently says:

   *Failures* Some post-quantum key exchange algorithms, including
   ML-KEM, have non-zero probability of failure, meaning two honest
   parties may derive different shared secrets. This would cause a
   handshake failure. ML-KEM has a cryptographically small failure
   rate; implementers should be aware of the potential of handshake
   failure. Clients can retry if a failure is encountered.

At least in the case of ML-KEM, decapsulation failures are implicit. As noted in the text above, the parties would derive different shared secrets (but they wouldn't know it). So, the client would not know that decapsulation failed, it would just be unable to decrypt the encrypted extensions, certificate, etc. The client would have no way of knowing whether this happened because of an ML-KEM decapsulation failure (extremely unlikely) or because some data was changed in transit (much more likely).

Given how small the ML-KEM decapsulation failure rate is (2^-139 or less), I wouldn't be surprised if random bit flips in transit that aren't caught by a CRC or other check are more likely than ML-KEM decapsulation failures. Since the two are indistinguishable to the client, the client would have to handle them in the same way. So, I would suggest either omitting this paragraph or just note that a decapsulation failure would be indistinguishable from a scenario in which some data was changed in transit, and so would be handled in the same way.

On 3/13/24 7:08 PM, Deirdre Connolly wrote:

    4. In the Discussion section (on github), does the portion on
    failures need to contain more information about how a failure
    should be handled in TLS? Should a decrypt_error alert be sent?

Oh very good point, DH doesn't usually fail like this; either because of fundamental (incredibly unlikely) decapsulation failure rates, or just a bug, this is good to handle, and we should probably update -hybrid-design to match. I've tracked this in this GitHub issue <https://github.com/dconnolly/draft-connolly-tls-mlkem-key-agreement/issues/1> for now. For my own sake, here's the `decode_error` defintion from RFC 8446:

    decode_error:  A message could not be decoded because some field was

          out of the specified range or the length of the message was

          incorrect. This alert is used for errors where the message does

          not conform to the formal protocol syntax.  This alert should

          never be observed in communication between proper

          except when messages were corrupted in the network.

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