The following errata report has been verified for RFC8446,
"The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3". 

You may review the report below and at:

Status: Verified
Type: Technical

Reported by: Alan DeKok <>
Date Reported: 2022-11-14
Verified by: Paul Wouters (IESG)

Section: 4.6.1

Original Text
   The client MAY use this PSK for future handshakes by including the
   ticket value in the "pre_shared_key" extension in its ClientHello
   (Section 4.2.11).

Corrected Text
(to add)

  Where the client does not support session tickets, this extension MUST be 

I've seen a TLS implementation which doesn't implement session tickets.  That's 
fine, but the implementation doesn't *ignore* session tickets it receives.  
Instead, it treats reception of the ticket as un recoverable error, and drops 
the TLS connection.

It's also worth adding a note to section 4.2 at the bottom of page 38.  To note 
that in general, f an extension isn't supported AND doesn't materially affect 
the TLS exchange, THEN it should be ignored.

i.e. there's nothing in the spec which mentions Postel's law "be conservative 
in what you send, be liberal in what you accept".  So implementors reading this 
document are free to do all kinds of odd things.

In addition, the text in Section 4.2 at the bottom of page 38 says:

      and implementors should be aware of the fact that until the
      handshake has been authenticated, active attackers can modify
      messages and insert, remove, or replace extensions.

The implicit conclusion here is that an implementation receiving extensions 
must sanity check them.  e.g. an attacker adding an undefined / unknown 
extension should not cause the entire session to be torn down.

Paul Wouters(AD): Resolved but with the Corrected Text:

The client MAY use this PSK for future handshakes by including the ticket value 
in the "pre_shared_key" extension in its ClientHello (Section 4.2.11). Clients 
which receive a NewSessionTicket message but do not support resumption MUST 
silently ignore this message.

RFC8446 (draft-ietf-tls-tls13-28)
Title               : The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3
Publication Date    : August 2018
Author(s)           : E. Rescorla
Category            : PROPOSED STANDARD
Source              : Transport Layer Security
Stream              : IETF
Verifying Party     : IESG

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