On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 01:37:26PM -0700, Devon O'Brien wrote:
> After sharing our first draft of TLS Trust Expressions
> <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-davidben-tls-trust-expr/> and
> several discussions across a couple  IETFs, we’d like to proceed with a
> call for working group adoption of this draft. We are currently prototyping
> trust expressions in BoringSSL & Chromium and will share more details when
> implementation is complete.
> As we mentioned in our message to the mailing list from January, our
> primary goal is to produce a mechanism for supporting multiple subscriber
> certificates
> <https://github.com/davidben/tls-trust-expressions/blob/main/explainer.md>
> and efficiently negotiating which to serve on a given TLS connection, even
> if that ends up requiring significant changes to the draft in its current
> state.

The negotiation mechanism mostly looks OK. Might need a few tweaks,

- Sorting the TrustExpressionList in some canonical order, to simplify
  TLS server a bit.
- Adding record type to TrustExpression for future extension (with
  unknown trust expressions ignored).

The subscriber side is far more challenging. The core issue is that
applications act as middlemen between ACME client and TLS library,
and those are very variable bunch.

There currently is no way of passing the information required, so
some application changes will be required. The issue is application
limitations that would require drastic changes, which are discouraged,
to remove.

Examples of application limitations that might be very hard to fix:

- Application selects one subscriber certificate to use.
- Application selects some fixed (unchangeable by ACME client) N
  subscriber certificates, and then the TLS library selects among

And there are very popular applications that are like this.

However, even with fixed subscriber certificate, it is still valuable
to be able to select among available issuer chains. Some can be
significantly smaller than the others (e.g., 1119 bytes vs. 701 bytes
vs. 0 bytes). Things get even more lopsided with post-quantum

This would lead to model where the certificate files have:

- Subscriber certificate
- Default issuer chain
- Alternate issuer chains, together with negotiation data.

The application would then pass these to the TLS library, which would
perform the final merging of data across possible subscriber
certificates, and then perform subscriber selection and issuer chain
selection from available candidates.

And even if alternate issuer chains seem to be associated with the
issuer, there is a subtle issue: Name constraints can differ among
possible issuer chains. This can happen due to:

- explicit name constraints present in some intermediates but not
  others. This has happened, and led to divergent name constraints.
- Root programs imposing implicit name constraints on roots. This
  has also happened (but I don't know if this has led to divergent
  name constriants).

> To that end, we’re interested in learning whether wg members support
> adoption of this deployment model and the currently-described certificate
> negotiation mechanism or if they oppose adoption (and why!).

The bar to clear for adoption is "good starting point", which this seems
to be, even if the details of mechanism do not work out (as detailed


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