My interpretation is the same as EKR. Chrome’s behavior seems compliant to me. 
I also think Chrome’s behavior makes sense and I think Chrome should continue 
doing that. The server’s Peter talk about do on the other hand not follow the 
implementation guidance in Appendix C.

Implementation Pitfalls

   Implementation experience has shown that certain parts of earlier TLS

   specifications are not easy to understand and have been a source of

   interoperability and security problems.  Many of these areas have

   been clarified in this document, but this appendix contains a short

   list of the most important things that require special attention from



   -  As a server, do you send a HelloRetryRequest to clients which
      support a compatible (EC)DHE group but do not predict it in the
      "key_share" extension?  As a client, do you correctly handle a
      HelloRetryRequest from the server?

From: Eric Rescorla <>
Date: Wednesday, 5 June 2024 at 15:44
To: Peter Gutmann <>
Cc: <>
Subject: [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data?

On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 6:19 AM Peter Gutmann 
<<>> wrote:
Nick Harper <<>> writes:

>I see no requirement in section 9 nor in section 4.2.8 requiring MTI curves
>be present in the key_share extension if that extension is non-empty.

Just because it's possible to rules-lawyer your way around something doesn't
make it valid (I also see nothing in the spec saying a TLS 1.3 implementation
can't reformat your hard drive, for example, so presumably that's OK too).
The point is that P256 is a MTI algorithm and Chrome doesn't provide any MTI
keyex in its client hello, making it a noncompliant TLS 1.3 implementation.

I don't believe this analysis is correct. You state:

As Nick notes, RFC 8446 explicitly permits the extension to be empty, so
it clearly cannot be the case that mere failure to provide an MTI key_share
in CH makes an implementation noncompliant, contra your statement above.

The only question at hand is whether the specification permits you to send
a non-empty key_shares field that excludes the MTI. However, the specification
*also* permits you to send a subset of supported groups:

   the same order.  However, the values MAY be a non-contiguous subset
   of the "supported_groups" extension and MAY omit the most preferred
   groups.  Such a situation could arise if the most preferred groups

I think the best reading of this text is that you are free to send *any*
subset of the supported groups, whether it includes the MTI or not.

The requirement in S 9.1 is merely that the application "support
key exchange with secp256r1", which Chrome does: it's in "supported_groups"
and (presumably) works if the server sends an HRR. Given the above
more explicit text about "key_shares", I don't think it's reasonable to
infer that MTI requires more than this.

This isn't to say anything about whether this is the best implementation choice,
which is a distinct question from what the specification requires.


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