Ok, got that part, now comes the next which may not be so easy :) This is the result of me trying to log in.

*ImportError* Python 2.3.3: /usr/bin/python Wed Mar 17 17:24:59 2004

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

/usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.13/tmda-cgi.py <file:///usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.13/tmda-cgi.py>
132 PVars["InProcess"] = {}
133 PVars["LocalConfig"] = "Form"
134 PVars.Save()
135 136 # Share "globals"
PVars /undefined/

/usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.13/Session.py <file:///usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.13/Session.py> in *__init__*(self=<Session.Session instance>, Form=FieldStorage(None, None, [MiniFieldStorage('user...', 'xxxxxxx'), MiniFieldStorage('cmd', 'init')]))
471 472 # Become the user
473 self.BecomeUser()
474 475 # Signal main program
*self* = <Session.Session instance>, self.*BecomeUser* = <bound method Session.BecomeUser of <Session.Session instance>>

/usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.13/Session.py <file:///usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.13/Session.py> in *BecomeUser*(self=<Session.Session instance>)
279 T["ErrMsg"] = ErrStr
280 print T
281 sys.exit()
282 283 # Read in our PVars
/global/ *sys* = <module 'sys' (built-in)>, sys.*exit* = <built-in function exit>

*ImportError*: cannot import name Defaults
     args = ('cannot import name Defaults',)

Jim Ramsay wrote:

David Ford wrote:

# ./configure -b /var/tmp/portage/tmda-1.0/work/tmda-1.0/ -l none -r imap://localhost

Try "None" with the captial "N". This should probably be made case-insensitive.

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