Hello all,

I'm not sure if this is what people refer to as VERP addressing or not,
but in the following excerpt from my incoming log, you can see the
address that is being used in the envelope header. Everytime a new
message is sent through that group, a unique address is used there. So
whitelisting based on that is really impossible.

So I'm looking for suggestions on how to create a line in my incoming
filter that will allow these messages to come through. Any suggestions
would be appreciated.

Date: Thu Mar 25 19:24:34 CST 2004
From: "John Doe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subj: [PCA] Public Town Hall Meeting on School Finance Reform
Actn: CONFIRM pending 1080264274.26942.msg            (2897)

I'm guessing I could use the From header, but there could be many, many
people sending notes to that list, so that would be alot of
whitelisting just for one list.

Also, it seems that the subject line always starts with "[PCA]". So is
there a way in Python to say I want to filter on the subject line but
only if "[PCA]" appears at the beginning of the line?
(Perhaps something like maybe "^[PCA]")

Thank you for any suggestions.


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