I would like to customize confirmation requests beyond simply plugging in various run-time variables. Is it possible for me to write functions that operate on the data in the confirmation template?
Specifically, I'd like to perform the following functions: 1. Convert %(pending_lifetime)s to a real date, offset from the date that the confirmation is sent. For example, instead of A, I'd like B: A: If you reply within %(pending_lifetime)s, ... => If you reply within 14 days, ... B: If you reply by %(other_variable_or_function)s, ... => If you reply by Mon, 12 April 2004 07:25:10 -0500, ... 2. I'd like to be able to feed %(original_message_headers)s through some sort of filter so that only a subset of those headers are listed. 3. I'd like to completely disable the attachment of the original message body into the confirmation request. 4. Other yet-to-be-decided filterings of the confirmation request. If there was some way for me to register my own functions for setting variables or for filtering the confirmation request, I could perform each of these tasks on my own. Any thoughts or ideas? Thanks. -- Lloyd Zusman [EMAIL PROTECTED] _____________________________________________ tmda-users mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) http://tmda.net/lists/listinfo/tmda-users