Hi there,

I use TMDA to filter mail received to a Gmail account
(mobernard(AT)gmail.com) and forwarded to mob(AT)kilargo.com.

Thus, the original sender address is only in the "From:" header field
(see above).

My question is: which config variable should i use to send the
confirmation request to the original sender ('From')?

Best regards,

Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: (...)
X-Forwarded-To: mob(AT)kilargo.com
X-Forwarded-For: mobernard(AT)gmail.com mob(AT)kilargo.com
X-Gmail-Received: f427f6876ec7c0fcd5912d410c45950b3b24ffa9
Delivered-To: mobernard(AT)gmail.com
Received: (...)
Message-ID: (...)
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 21:18:21 +0200
From: "G B" <g.bernard(AT)gmail.com>
To: "M O B" <mobernard(AT)gmail.com>
Subject: (...)


Marc-Olivier BERNARD
tmda-users mailing list (tmda-users@tmda.net)

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