I am using tdma on gentoo, using qmail/vpopmail/courier-imap...

I want to have tmda process outgoing email and tmda-ofmipd is what I need.

So just to at least get started, I ran the following from an 
interactive command line:

su -s /bin/bash  vpopmail -c '/usr/bin/tmda-ofmipd -d -f -R 
imaps://mail.ercolano.net -S /usr/lib/tmda/contrib/vpopmail-vdir.sh'

su: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info.
auth method: imaps://mail.ercolano.net:993/
tmda-ofmipd started at Fri Oct 6 21:05:50 GMT 2006
        Listening on ns1.ercolano.net:8025

Not sure about the Authentication barf but other than that it worked 
well.  I could sent mail from remote clients and see the email in the 
debug output.

A telnet test gives:
mail service # telnet mail.ercolano.net 8025
Connected to ns1.ercolano.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ns1.ercolano.net ESMTP tmda-ofmipd

Now I want to start it at boot and make sure it always is around.  
Seemed like the best thing was to copy how qmail keeps itself running 
and to use the supervise service in conjunction with tcpserver.

To test this I took the line from the runscript and I then tried from 
the command line, and telneted to mail.ercolano.net  8025:

mail tmda-ofmipd # /usr/bin/tcpserver -v -x 
/etc/tcprules.d/tcp.tmda-ofmipd.cdb -c 40 -u 89 -g 89 mail.ercolano.net 
8025 /usr/bin/tmda-ofmipd -d -R imaps://mail.ercolano.net -S 
tcpserver: status: 0/40
tcpserver: status: 1/40
tcpserver: pid 15665 from
tcpserver: ok 15665 ns1.ercolano.net:::ffff: 
auth method: imaps://mail.ercolano.net:993/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/tmda-ofmipd", line 1257, in ?
  File "/usr/bin/tmda-ofmipd", line 1217, in main
    ('localhost', 25))
  File "/usr/bin/tmda-ofmipd", line 997, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/asyncore.py", line 304, in bind
    return self.socket.bind(addr)
  File "<string>", line 1, in bind
socket.error: (98, 'Address already in use')
tcpserver: end 15665 status 256
tcpserver: status: 0/40

Any thoughts n what I'm not understanding here? (tcp.tmda-ofmipd (used 
to create the cdb) contains a simple ":allow")

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