After moving mail from my old mail server to my new mail server, I realised 
TMDA wasn't installed.  So I thought new versions.  Grabbed 1.1.8 and 0.15 
and  all went well.

The themes appear to work, the css and png's are all displaying fine at least.

However after login I get the following error and I have no idea what the 
problem is.

I really need to ditch the 2000 spam messages a day into my mailbox, I've 
got a 9 AM Supreme Court hearing tomorrow and sifting through the hourly 
spam to find the one occasional email from other parties and lawyers is 
beyond painful.  You really take TMDA for granted when you see what happens 
when it's not available.

The closest in teh archives I've found was this thread:

However, it suggests an issue accessing .tmda, the problem is, on the new 
server I haven't activated TMDA for my user account!  So .tmda doesn't yet 

NoSectionError Python 2.3.4: /usr/bin/python
Mon Oct 30 16:28:03 2006

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function 
calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.


   132   PVars["InProcess"]   = {}
   133   PVars["LocalConfig"] = "Form"
   134   PVars.Save()
   136 # Share "globals"
PVars = <Session.Session instance>, PVars.Save = <bound method Session.Save 
of <Session.Session instance>>

in Call(Library=<module 'Install' from 
'/common/app/tmda-cgi-0.15/Install.pyc'>, Str=None)
    86     Library.Show(Str)
    87   else:
    88     Library.Show()
    90 # Capture WebUID
Library = <module 'Install' from '/common/app/tmda-cgi-0.15/Install.pyc'>, 
Library.Show = <function Show>

in Show()
   703   # Load template
   704   T = Template.Template(TemplateFN, PVars = PVars)
   706   # Javascript confirmation?
T undefined, global Template = <module 'Template' from 
'/common/app/tmda-cgi-0.15/'>, Template.Template = <class 
Template.Template>, TemplateFN = 'welcome.html', global PVars = 
<Session.Session instance>

in __init__(self=<Template.Template instance>, Filename='welcome.html', 
BoilerPlate=None, SubTemplate=None, Name=None, PVars=<Session.Session 
   156     # to allow Themes to use custom settings
   157     if PVars:
   158       for var in PVars.vars( "Theme" ):
   159         self.Dict[ var ] = PVars[ "Theme", var ]
   160     self.Items = {}
var undefined, PVars = <Session.Session instance>, PVars.vars = <bound 
method Session.vars of <Session.Session instance>>

in vars(self=<Session.Session instance>, section='Theme')
   538   def keys( self ):
   539     return self.PVars.keys()
   541   def vars( self, section ):
   542     return self.ThemeVars.options( section )
self = <Session.Session instance>, self.ThemeVars = 
<ConfigParser.ConfigParser instance>, self.ThemeVars.options = <bound 
method ConfigParser.options of <ConfigParser.ConfigParser instance>>, 
section = 'Theme'

in options(self=<ConfigParser.ConfigParser instance>, section='Theme')
   238             opts = self._sections[section].copy()
   239         except KeyError:
   240             raise NoSectionError(section)
   241         opts.update(self._defaults)
   242         if '__name__' in opts:
global NoSectionError = <class ConfigParser.NoSectionError>, section = 'Theme'

NoSectionError: No section: 'Theme'
      args = ("No section: 'Theme'",)
      message = "No section: 'Theme'"
      section = 'Theme'

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