I have a virtual dedicated server with godaddy. I have installed tmda 
and have it mostly working. Emails get challenged but the response gets 
bounced by qmail.
It seems that the extension addresses are not working properly.

I am confused as to whether I have vpopmail on my system. My setup 
appears to be standard qmail based on the documentation I have looked 
at, and it  seems to me that the virtual domain and extension address is 
enabled by qmail. My mail directory is as follows:


Where $domain and $user are the domain and user respectively.

This seems to differ from the vpopmail setup directories I have seen.

This is my .qmail file:

| if [ -z "$SA" ]; then export SA=1; /usr/local/psa/bin/psa-spamc -f -u 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -U /tmp/spamd_full.sock > spamcheck$$; if 
[ -s spamcheck$$ ]; then /var/qmail/bin/qmail-local "$USER" "$HOME" 
"$LOCAL" "" "" "$HOST" "$SENDER" "$DEFAULT" < spamcheck$$; retval=$?; rm 
-f spamcheck$$; [ $retval = 0 ] && exit 99; exit $retval; fi; rm -f 
spamcheck$$; fi # ACCEPT UCE
| true
| preline /usr/local/tmda-1.1.9/bin/tmda-filter

My .qmail-default is sylinked to the .qmail file

This is my config file:

# TMDA configuration file.  See
# http://wiki.tmda.net/ConfigurationVariables for descriptions of all
# the available options.

# Required settings.  One from each section is required.



#DELIVERY = "~/Mailbox"
#DELIVERY = "/var/mail/%s" % os.environ.get("USER")
DELIVERY = "~/Maildir/"
#DELIVERY = "|/usr/bin/procmail ~/.procmailrc-tmda"

# Optional settings.
# Here are some recommended configuration variables.

CRYPT_KEY_FILE = "~/.tmda/crypt_key"
BARE_APPEND = "~/.tmda/lists/whitelist"
CONFIRM_APPEND = "~/.tmda/lists/confirmed"
LOGFILE_INCOMING = "~/.tmda/incoming.log"
LOGFILE_OUTGOING = "~/.tmda/outgoing.log"

Any suggestions how to get extension addresses working so the challenge 
response can be received will be greatly appreciated. If any logs would 
be helpful let me know.


Chris Barilla
The Lending Company
714-784-7498 (FAX)

tmda-users mailing list (tmda-users@tmda.net)

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