Flemming Bjerke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> The tmda-filter program has a command-line option for use with virtual
>> domains.
>> -S <script>
>> --vhome-script <script>


> Have I misunderstood something? If I am right, shouldn't tmda-filter
> be rewritten in order to preserve options?

Run ``tmda-filter --help'' to see a list of available options,
including "-S/--vhome-script":

valcour:~ jason$ tmda-filter --help
usage: tmda-filter [options]

Filter incoming messages on standard input.

  -c FILE, --config-file=FILE
                        Specify a different configuration file other than
  -t DIR, --template-dir=DIR
                        Full pathname to a directory containing custom TMDA
  -I FILE, --filter-incoming-file=FILE
                        Full pathname to your incoming filter file.  Overrides
                        FILTER_INCOMING in ~/.tmda/config.
  -e VAR=VAL, --environ=VAR=VAL
                        Add an environment variable on the command line.  VAR
                        is the name of the variable, and VAL, separated by an
                        '=', is its value.  There should be no whitespace
                        before or after the '='.
  -d, --discard         Discard message if address is invalid instead of
                        bouncing it.
  -p, --print           Print the message to stdout.  This option is useful
                        when TMDA is run as a filter in maildrop or procmail.
                        It overrides all other delivery options, even if a
                        specific delivery is given in a matching rule. If the
                        message is delivered, TMDA's exit code is 0.  If the
                        message is dropped, bounced or a confirmation request
                        is sent, the exit code will be 99.  You can use the
                        exit code in maildrop/procmail to decide if you want
                        to perform further processing.
  -S SCRIPT, --vhome-script=SCRIPT
                        Full pathname of SCRIPT that prints a virtual email
                        user's home directory on standard output.  tmda-filter
                        will read that path and set $HOME to that path so that
                        '~' expansion works properly for virtual users.  The
                        script takes two arguments, the user name and the
                        domain, on its command line.  This option is for use
                        only with the VPopMail and VMailMgr add-ons to qmail.
                        See the contrib/ directory for sample scripts.
  -M RECIP SENDER, --filter-match=RECIP SENDER
                        Check whether the given e-mail addresses matches a
                        line in your incoming filter and then exit. The first
                        address given should be the message recipient (you),
                        and the second is the sender. This option will also
                        check for parsing errors in the filter file.
  -V                    show full TMDA version information and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

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