I think the principles of your problem are described in the comments in the 
tmda-rfilter and:


You should write a script similar to vmailmgr-vdir.sh and vpopmail-vdir.sh 
that takes host and e-mail as arguments and returns the path to the relevant 
Maildir. This script should then be called by calling tmda-filter with an -S 
option. I.e. something like:

| tmda-filter -S /path/to/script

That is how I understand it, but I haven't had the time to make it work yet. 
So, please tell, if I am wrong - and how you make it work eventually.


Sunday 17 December 2006 20:09 skrev Lloyd Zusman:
> I use TMDA along with the Courier MTA, and all my email users have
> virtual email directories that are not owned by them.  I have set this
> up in one of the standard Courier manners, such that each user's email
> lives in a "Maildir" under the directory /var/vmail/[EMAIL PROTECTED],
> where "user" is the email user ID, and "domain.com" is the email virtual
> domain.  All of these directories are owned by the same Unix user
> "vmail" and group "vmail".
> This is not managed via VPopMail, but rather, via Courier's own methods.
> When I run all TMDA programs and utilities, I want each user's HOME
> directory to resolve to "/var/vmail/[EMAIL PROTECTED]", and each user's
> uid to be "vmail" and each user's gid to be "vmail".  Then, I want each
> user's ".tmda" directory to be searched for here:
>   /var/vmail/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/.tmda
> I have script called "vmailinfo" which takes a user's login ID as an
> argument, and which prints out the user's virtual home directory,
> virtual uid, and virtual gid to stdout.  For example, if Unix user
> "misteruser" has a virtual email address of "[EMAIL PROTECTED]",
> then running vmailinfo would give these results:
>   % vmailinfo misteruser
>   /var/vmail/[EMAIL PROTECTED] vmail vmail
> How can I use this script or something similar in conjunction with TMDA
> in order to cause it to resolve the user's virtual email home to the
> values I use on my system?
> This needs to work with tmda-pending as well as tmda-filter and any and
> all other tmda utilities.
> In the past, I hacked the TMDA source code to do this, but I don't want
> to have to do this any more, as I have to repeat this hack every time
> that I upgrade TMDA.
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions that you might have.
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