Hi guys,

I'm using a FreeBSD 4.10 with Python/2.4.3, TMDA/1.1.9 and tmda-cgi/0.14.

When I send an email for account with tmda, I can see this message in 
tmda.cgi for block or not. But, when I click in this message to see it, 
I get this error:

AttributeError    Python 2.4.3: /usr/local/bin/python
Thu Feb 8 10:03:25 2007

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function 
calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred. 
  197     import View
  198     try:
  199       Call(View)
  200     except Errors.MessageError:  # No messages left?
  201       import PendList
Call = <function Call>, View = <module 'View' from 
 /usr/local/vpopmail/tmda-cgi-0.14/tmda-cgi.py in Call(Library=<module 
'View' from '/usr/local/vpopmail/tmda-cgi-0.14/View.pyc'>, Str=None)
   86     Library.Show(Str)
   87   else:
   88     Library.Show()
   90 # Capture WebUID
Library = <module 'View' from 
'/usr/local/vpopmail/tmda-cgi-0.14/View.pyc'>, Library.Show = <function 
 /usr/local/vpopmail/tmda-cgi-0.14/View.py in Show()
  257   PartTemplate = T["Part"]
  259   ShowPart(MsgObj.msgobj)
  261   # Remove unneeded bits?
global ShowPart = <function ShowPart>, MsgObj = <TMDA.Pending.Message 
instance>, MsgObj.msgobj = <email.message.Message instance>
 /usr/local/vpopmail/tmda-cgi-0.14/View.py in 
ShowPart(Part=<email.message.Message instance>)
  351         ShowPart(SubPart)
  352   else:
  353     Type = Part.get_type("text/plain")
  354     # Display the easily display-able parts
  355     if Type == "text/html":
Type undefined, Part = <email.message.Message instance>, Part.get_type 

AttributeError: Message instance has no attribute 'get_type'
      args = ("Message instance has no attribute 'get_type'",)

Someone know what I need to do to fix it? Is it a bug (version problem)?


Mario Sergio Candian
Live your dreams and face your fears.

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