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Dennis Kavadas wrote:
> hi all
> i currently have a number of virtual domains setup, some with
> tmda/tmda-cgi, some without.
> i want to setup a virtual domain where any tmda/tmda-cgi "enabled"
> user has the option of managing there pending queue, filters, lists
> etc..

I assume you're letting users enable/disable TMDA via the
install/uninstall options in TMDA-CGI? If so, I imagine the easiest way
of enabling/disabling TMDA on a per-domain basis is to configure the
authentication system that TMDA-CGI uses such that it will only
authenticate users from domains that have TMDA enabled.

> the virtual domain with tmda/tmda-cgi should not hold the mailboxes,
> it should pass the mail to our internal mail server for local mail
> delivery.

The basics of this are discussed in the Wiki at:


I would imagine you could also just set DELIVERY to do this...

> users that have not "enabled", or decline to "enable" tmda via
> tmda-cgi will not have there email touched my tmda and as such, the
> messages will be automatically forwarded to the internal domino server
> for processing.

This part is easy; users without TMDA enabled will simply not reference
TMDA from their .qmail file. You'll obviously still need to setup the
appropriate forwarding entry in .qmail for the non-TMDA users.
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