Darek M. wrote:
> tmda-cgi-0.15
> tmda-1.1.10
> This appears to be an issue with tmda-cgi, and the site pointed to
> this list as the mailing list to ask question in, so I hope I'm not
> posting in the wrong place.
> # TODO: Separate release not needed for TMDA 1.1.x

You're right - This shouldn't be in there.  I have removed it, and this
will be fixed in the 0.16.2 release.

> This also brings me to yet another point.  Should "Releasing" a
> message add the sender address to the whitelist?  It does in my setup.

This can depend on your TMDA configuration.  If you have set
"PENDING_RELEASE_APPEND", then yes, it should.  I suspect you probably
want to set:

PENDING_WHITELIST_APPEND = "~/.tmda/lists/whitelist"

This should make 'whitelist' and 'release' in TMDAcgi do what you

Jim Ramsay
"Me fail English?  That's unpossible!"

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