Hi all

In a recent message i wrote about a slowness with tmda-cgi concerning
the release of message by url. I went further in my observations:

1) when, with a suitable simulated cgi environnement, i run the cgi from
the shell it take 0.3 seconds to release a mail

2) i mesure the time for a release by url:

$ time wget
           => `tmda.cgi?1000.1177408996.30478.c19ff6'
Résolution de filter.ohappymail.net...
Connexion vers filter.ohappymail.net[]:80...connecté.
requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse...200 OK
Longueur: non spécifié [text/html]

                                ] 2,822        204.58B/s

12:18:14 (204.58 B/s) - « tmda.cgi?1000.1177408996.30478.c19ff6 »
sauvegardé [2822]

real    0m14.201s
user    0m0.011s
sys     0m0.005s

3) i observe a similar slowness when the release is done from the
authenticated part of the cgi 

For 2) and 3) the cgi is run under apache2. I am still lost here but do
other people see similar behavior or its just me ?


Marcel de Riedmatten

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