Hi all!

We got often problems with spammails, which have special characters in
the header.
The tmda-cgi is still unaseable, till I delete the pending file or
remove the specials chars in it.

What we have to change to bypass this unicode error?

In this expamle the "From"-field looks like this: "From: Viagra.com Inc

Hope someone needs an answer...

so long,

UnicodeDecodeError Python 2.3.4: /usr/bin/python
Wed Sep 5 07:17:50 2007 

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function
calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

  188   elif Cmd == "pending":
  189     import PendList
  190     Call(PendList)
  191   elif Cmd == "restore":
  192     pass
Call = <function Call>, PendList = <module 'PendList' from

 /usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.13/tmda-cgi.py in Call(Library=<module 'PendList'
from '/usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.13/PendList.pyc'>, Str=None) 
   86     Library.Show(Str)
   87   else:
   88     Library.Show()
   90 # Capture WebUID
Library = <module 'PendList' from
'/usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.13/PendList.pyc'>, Library.Show = <function Show> 

 /usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.13/PendList.py in Show() 
  498               value += Unicode.TranslateToUTF8(CharSet,
decoded[0], "ignore")
  499           else:
  500             value += Unicode.TranslateToUTF8(CharSet, decoded[0],
  501         From = value
  502         Temp = Address.search(From)
value = '', global Unicode = <module 'Unicode' from
'/usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.13/Unicode.pyc'>, Unicode.TranslateToUTF8 =
<function TranslateToUTF8>, CharSet = 'us-ascii"', decoded =
('Viagra.com Inc \xae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>', None) 

 /usr/src/tmda-cgi-0.13/Unicode.py in
TranslateToUTF8(CharSet='us-ascii"', Str='Viagra.com Inc \xae
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>', Errors='ignore') 
  113     Uni = Decoder(Str, errors = Errors)[0]
  114   except:
  115     Uni = Decoder(Str)[0]
  117   # Encode for UTF-8
Uni undefined, Decoder = <built-in function ascii_decode>, Str =
'Viagra.com Inc \xae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' 

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xae in position 15:
ordinal not in range(128) 
      args = ('ascii', 'Viagra.com Inc \xae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>', 15, 16,
'ordinal not in range(128)') 
      encoding = 'ascii' 
      end = 16 
      object = 'Viagra.com Inc \xae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' 
      reason = 'ordinal not in range(128)' 
      start = 15 

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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