>  As far as I remember, I think I once saw a posting, where someone
 > stated, that he had done some sort of solution to use hyperlinks to
 > confirm an email - instead of an email-confirm address.
 > Is this possible ?

Yes, it requires tmda-cgi.

 > Another question: Instead of people having to log in to tmda-cgi to
 > check/release mail, is there a way to send a list of pending mails
 > (maybe once a day) - including hyperlink's (in the mail) they can click
 > in order to release a mail - instead of using mails or having to log
 > into tmda-cgi to release the items in question ?

Its a pretty simple matter of programming.  Using your favorite 
language, the pseudocode looks like this:

foreach e in (emails of tmda users)
        run tmda-pending(*) and save output to temp file
        if temp file has size greater than zero
                mail temp file output to e

(*) The tmda-pending command looks like this: 
/usr/local/bin/tmda-pending -C -b -s -Y 48h -c conf-file-for-user

Then run this via cron however often you want.

Dave Steinberg
tmda-users mailing list (tmda-users@tmda.net)

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