On Fri, Sep 07, 2007 at 08:36:08PM -0400, Andrey Falko wrote:

> I have been battling with this for days. Postfix can only receive
> messages sent to existing users (those that I have in /etc/aliases or

No, postfix will support virtual users and extension addresses when
properly configured.

> Is there a way to configure TMDA to reply-to just "user" and have

Your attempted configuration doesn't make sense to me. Did you follow
the instructions on the wiki? If not, why not?

The normal way to use tmda is to enable extension addresses, have
procmail feed incoming mail to tmda, and then have either tmda or
procmail deliver whitelisted mail.

I used to have a script that automated some of the configuration for
people, but it succumbed to bit-rot. So, if you're trying to do
something funky, you might need to re-examine why you're doing something

"Oh, look: rocks!"
        -- Doctor Who, "Destiny of the Daleks"
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