Hi All I'm seeing an error with tmda-cgi (version when using %(confirm_accept_url)s setup for the challenge email. when the challenge is sent to the user, the url is present... clicking on the URL releases the message for delivery correctly, no issues there. however, if, for some unfathomable reason, and i know a user will... you click the URL of an already released message, the tmda-cgi web dumps an error on screen... any suggestions ?
---snip A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred. /home/imediacomau/tmda-cgi/tmda-cgi.py 143 if os.environ.has_key("QUERY_STRING") and os.environ ["QUERY_STRING"]: 144 import Release 145 Release.Release(os.environ["QUERY_STRING"]) 146 sys.exit() 147 Release = <module 'Release' from '/home/imediacomau/tmda-cgi/Release.pyc'>, Release.Release = <function Release>, os = <module 'os' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.4/os.pyc'>, os.environ = {'TMDA_SESSION_PREFIX': '/tmp/TMDASession_imedia...'gzip,deflate', 'USER': '[EMAIL PROTECTED] '} /home/imediacomau/tmda-cgi/Release.py in Release(QueryString=' 537&[EMAIL PROTECTED]&1190174907.20613.101f61') 194 "Message has already been released or deleted.", 195 "retrieve pending e-mail", "", 196 "Inquire with recipient about e-mail.") 197 198 T = Template.Template("released.html") /home/imediacomau/tmda-cgi/CgiUtil.py in TermError(Err='Message could not be fetched.', Cause='Message has already been released or deleted.', Failed='retrieve pending e-mail', Other='', Recommend='Inquire with recipient about e-mail.') 85 def TermError(Err, Cause, Failed, Other, Recommend): 86 try: 87 T = Template.Template(ErrTemplate, PVars = PVars) 88 except IOError: 89 T = Template.Template(SubTemplate = ["""Error:<br>%(ErrorName)s<p> T undefined, global Template = <module 'Template' from '/home/imediacomau/tmda-cgi/Template.pyc'>, Template.Template = <class Template.Template>, global ErrTemplate = 'error2.html', global PVars = < Session.Session instance> /home/imediacomau/tmda-cgi/Template.py in __init__(self=<Template.Templateinstance>, Filename=' error2.html', BoilerPlate=None, SubTemplate=None, Name=None, PVars=< Session.Session instance>) 156 # to allow Themes to use custom settings 157 if PVars: 158 for var in PVars.vars( "Theme" ): 159 self.Dict[ var ] = PVars[ "Theme", var ] 160 self.Items = {} var undefined, PVars = <Session.Session instance>, PVars.vars = <bound method Session.vars of <Session.Session instance>> /home/imediacomau/tmda-cgi/Session.py in vars(self=< Session.Sessioninstance>, section='Theme') 539 def keys( self ): 540 return self.PVars.keys() 541 542 def vars( self, section ): 543 return self.ThemeVars.options( section ) self = <Session.Session instance>, self.ThemeVars undefined, section = 'Theme' AttributeError: Session instance has no attribute 'ThemeVars' args = ("Session instance has no attribute 'ThemeVars'",)
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