
Having scoured the internet for information I can understand regarding ezmlm, I 
am now at the stage where fistfulls of hair are being wrenched from my scalp in 
utter desparation!

You are my last hope!

Firstly, let's put all this into context - compared to you guys, my knowledge 
of mailing lists is miniscule. In fact, if I could think of another word that 
meant 'much smaller than miniscule', that would probably describe it more 

The problem - My son is a session drummer and for 40 weeks of the year he is on 
tour all over the world. He has contact with a lot of fans and friends who want 
to keep up to date with where he is and what he's doing. It simply isn't 
practical for him to let everyone know individually.

So, I set him up a mailing list on my host - very simple to do and only took 5 
minutes in my email control panel. The very simple idea is that subscribers 
will send a blank email to his subscribe address, which will then send them an 
email back asking them to confirm that they wish to join the list. After that, 
Jamie just sends out one email to his list and it's 'job done'.

Right, well, everything works just fine and does what it's supposed to EXCEPT 
that the message his mailing list sends to prospective subscribers asking them 
to confirm their subscription, includes far too much blurb and all we want to 
do is simplify it to say something like... "Please confirm your subscription to 
Jamie's mailing list by sending an empty email to......" then the unsubscribe 
info - nothing else.

In my naivety I thought there may be a file on my server somewhere that I could 
edit this text, but can't find one. So I started to look for info on how to 
change this text and WOW it's like trying to read Chinese!

Can anybody help me by explaining in terms that a 5 year old would understand, 
what I need to do?


John Oliver

Covstock Limited

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