On Wed, 2008-05-07 at 12:53 -0400, Kerry Blalock wrote:
> I am running spamassassin on all users as setup with webmin. I also use
> posfix and procmail. The procmail activates spamassassin from
> /etc/procmail. I tried the suggestions found in the TMDA section on
> spamassassin, but it does not seem to be working right. I used the script
> from kyle to setup .procmailrc in the home directory of test user. I am
> having a problem trying to call TMDA from procmailrc. When I call it from
> .forward, it bypasses the .procmailrc file, and sends reply to all
> incoming mail for the user. Now, I also use Squirrelmail to retrieve all
> email for the user, me. Not sure if this is causing a problem or not. I
> used to be able to catch the spam in a spam file under the user. I guess I
> am looking for an easy way to use spamassassin first, cull out the ones
> with hits over number determined by user, and then have TMDA handle the
> rest.

Greetings Kerry,

I'm doing exactly as you are describing and it works quiet easily.

Here's my configuration:

Internet -> postfix -> amavisd-new (which hooks spamassassin and
clam-av) -> postfix -> delivery in Maildir.  If end user has a .forward
that is automatically called by the MTA at which point the end user can
forward that on into procmail or TMDA.  I personally forward it on into
TMDA and have the following at the very bottom of my ~/.tmda/config

DELIVERY = "|/usr/bin/procmail ~/.procmailrc"

Some of my users just deliver directly into their mailboxes at this
point with

DELIVERY = "~/Maildir/"

My ~/.procmailrc then has the following at very top:


Squirrelmail itself shouldn't have anything to do with any of the
problems that you are seeing.

I do some of my culling of mail in the TMDA config and most of the
sorting in the .procmailrc file.  Though for specific TMDA based tags I
do the sort and delivery there.

It's all a matter of chaining things together in a good and logical
order.  Heck, it's possible to forward into procmail which delivers into
TMDA which then delivers into a completely different procmail recipe if
you really want to get silly.


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