On Wed, Dec 03, 2008 at 09:01:36PM -0500, Dave Steinberg wrote:
> Jeff LaCoursiere wrote:
> > How do you filter spam that is rewritten to appear to come from yourself? 
> > I don't want to blacklist my own address or I won't be able to CC: myself 
> > on some things as I am known to do.
> You might setup a separate extension address that you use for such 
> things.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or something, and in your filter use:

I just add a special header to all outgoing mail from myself, like

        X-MYHEADER: somerandomstring

In the highly unlikely event that some spammer forges that, just change it‽    

Fergus Gallagher

"Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in
another city." - George Burns
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