It's all a 50-50 proposition: one needs care and the other is willing to give it, and that's about it. So as long as you do your 50%, I can do the other 50 standing on my head. So there. To those of you with a monster for a caregiver, tell him-her to go get a life.

I think knowing that it is a 2-way relationship, that I would do for him as he does for me, if the situation was reversed, helps me be the affectee. I wouldn't wish my Bob to be in my shoes, but if he were, I hope that I could be as wonderful as he - since he too, seems to be able to do it standing on his head! I wonder if it's the name? There is surely a special place in heaven for you both!

Love, Deb C in Mi - what a beautiful fall day we had today!

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