Hi Wim,
I loved your post.  Yes, you are right---the *me* on the inside is the most
important one.  Like you, I still see myself in my mind's eye as a gorgeous
hunka burnin' love..........my kids think that's just hilarious, but they
are kind enough to humor me.  ;-)

Because I will probably be on steroids for the remainder of my life (I have
Devic's and it's fairly agressive.) I know that I've got to make some
lifestyle changes.  I certainly do not eat a lot, but I do eat all of the
wrong things.  In the hospital, my attendant spoiled me at night with huge
cups of steaming coffee accompanied by an endless supply of Honey Graham
Crackers.  One night Wim, I actually ate 16 two packs of them and had a
sugar attack necessitating an immediate shot.  (Oh I was so embarrassed
whenever those nurses came in and discovered all of those empty cracker
packages strewn all over my floor and in my bed.  I got in a peck of
trouble, and justifiably so.)  Once I could ambulate a little bit, I was
forever making trips to the neuro floors kitchen and filling the pockets of
my gown, (And my soon to be fat little fists.) with as many crackers as I
could carry.  Then I'd wheel myself back down the hall, sneak into my room,
and have a cracker fest.  They had me on a weight gaining program as I was
so thin and run down.....little did they know what sort of a monster they'd
created. LOL!

Thanks for making my day, Wim.  I know that things on the outside aren't
always as bad as they seem.  :-)

Have a great day,

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