­This is really starting to bother me now...I have a call into the neurologist, and I am seeing the dr. tomorrow (the dr who saw me in the hosp. for a month in rehab is my *primary* now.)
But, yesterday, I was fine ALL day...then after dinner, my nose started to get stuffed, worsening as time went by, my eyes were watering, sneezing fits, until about 2 am when my benedryl kicked in. I know my nose was stuffed in the night some, I had slept with my mouth open and woke up stuffy on one side and sniffly on the other. I am not sure if TM is making this seem worse than it is..(I have always had minor allergies and sinus/post nasal drip but NEVER this bad)
I was told I could only take Claritin or benedryl because of the neurontin I was on, but now I am off that I am going to try Sudafed too during the day, tho benedryl seems to work for me well, just makes me too drowsy.
This is really starting to bother me....maybe its a food allergy? (tho I would think you'd get hives too I was told)....I am going to stop milk for a bit and see if that's it.....I am at wits end!
Orig. Message:
­I don't have sensory issues in my face, but I have noticed I get stuffy/sneezy ALOT more frequently..it feels like I have allergies and it's allergy season every 3 days or so. Even when it's raining out! I get all stuffed up, then have sneezing fits, watery eyes...take some zyrtec, or Claritin, which don't always work, and then I am fine in a few days...and it starts again....
so annoyed..

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