Greeting & Salutations to my TM family - 

There seems to be something in the air the past few days - angles seem to
appearing out of nowhere to come to my rescue.  I was having a horrible time
yesterday coming out of the store - I couldn't make it back to my car.  Then
these two women came up and helped me, gave me hugs and told me they'd pray
for me.    Then later, after I rested a bit a friend appeared out of nowhere
again and helped me at Target and ran around for me getting my laundry
detergent etc.   At mass last Sunday, it was literally an essembly line at
choir to get me up and down from the risers in choir to get me to communion. 
We we singing "Surely the Presence of the Lord" .  I couldn't sing it cuz I
was crying.  

Last week , after seeing me gimp  out of the grocery store, a lady in the 
parking lot talked to me for 45 min on nutritional things I should be taking.
 She is a napropath. I told my "situation" and about the chronic pain in my
feet, hands, tingling, burning - you all know - .  She told me about Alpha
Lipoic Acid.  She said it has been know to reduce and in some instances
completely reverse the effects of nuerapathy.  Well let me tell you - I went
straight to health food store and bought it.  I actually think it's doing
something.  I've been able to fall asleep before 5:30 am.  I also have been
able to go up the stairs a bit easier.  Maybe it's the beautiful weather we're
having but I am not so darned depressed either.  I couldn't find anything
negative about it on-line.  Could this be the "Miracle drug" we've been
waiting for?

Think of me tomorrow at 11:15 am - I've got my annual brain MRI .  Wish me luck.

Thanks for your patience with the lengthy post.

I haven't been much of praying person these days - but maybe there's something
to it. 

Margie in Naperville, IL

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