Does anyone on the list have experience with an acupuncturist?  My husband has been living with excruciating pain since he was dx'd with TM last August.  He's tried all of the pain medications and they help to a certain degree but there are times when they are completely ineffective.  I made an appointment for him today with an acupuncturist and he feels that it has taken the edge off of the pain but he's not sure if it really worked or if it's more of a psychological thing. 
The acupuncturist wants to see him twice a week for a while and I was wondering if any of you have had a positive experience with acupuncture.  If it works and my husband  can get off of some of his prescriptions it would be worth the investment but if not, it could be a very costly experiment.
Any input/experience that you have will be greatly appreciated.
Michelle in Atlanta

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