In organizing the med list, I list the problem  (like for instance, Spasms)  and list the meds and times under that (like trileptal)

I also, if I have to go into the hospital, make sure that they give the meds on MY schedule, if needed to manage my spasms and pain. If you've worked years to get it r ight, you don't want to get it out of whack cos you are in hospital.

Deb Casey wrote:
When I think of everything I've gone through the last 2.5 years, I think your idea is great for me too. I have the list of my medications (and what they're for) and doses but I will ask for a chronology report tomorrow.
Thank you!
DebC in wintery Mi.

--- On Sun 11/06, luthyen < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

From: luthyen [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Date: Sun, 06 Nov 2005 20:29:11 -0500
Subject: Re: [TMIC] janh--The walking pharmacy. :-)

I do the same, Jan. Getting to be a dang long list...

The other thing I do is make a "problem list" which your doc can help you with. It's a list of diagnoses with the dates the diagnoses were made. Also lists surgeries and dates, immunizations and dates, allergies, and any other major events in health that I want to be sure any doc should know if I get sick and need to remember at the time. I print the med list on one side and the problem list on the other; date the changes and print a new page each time one is made; so I have each year's record of what went on.

Boy, has it helped over the years! The docs and nurses are very glad to see it.

in Boston, with a wonderful Indian Summer

I carry a list of my meds and those that Frank takes in my billfold at all times....and give one to each doc on every visit.........(organized or compulsive?)........anyway, this makes it easier both for the doc and for us......and in an emergency, i.e: when
we had to call Air Evac to fly in at the farm (400 miles from home) to pick Frank up and get him to the hospital it came in REALLY handy!!

Also as the docs change meds or dosages it's easy to update as I keep it all on my computer (and his)!

Just another way that I try to make our medical lives easier....

janh Stillwater, OK

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