Hi Ann,
My neuro gave me a one month's supply of Lyrica to sample. I could not believe the relief from the constant burning, tingling etc! I virtually had none.  I did not have stiff legs from it - in fact I had NO side effects at all. But I started slowly, gradually increasing to the full dosage.
However, when my neuro called in the prescription for me, my insurance company denied cov for the drug. So my neuro has called my ins co and also has written a letter. Hopefully, I will be able to get it again as I have the burning back!  It is a brand new drug and I am told it is very expensive.
Are you taking it now ? And having stiffness in your legs? Or are you just considering trying it. Oh it was so well worth it for me. I hope it works for you.
Linda in "hailing right now" Bothell, WA

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