Both of us are on Medicare.and have State Employee insurance as our seecondary.The secondary has a drug plan and they've told us that they're going to enroll all membership to the Medicare drug plan and incorporate it into our present drug plan with no changes except those annual changes they make in what it costs for their services...We've used the heck out of that program and medicare and are completely happy with how much they cover!!

Medicare has taken care of me since the onset of tm and I've been very pleased!!
I've been in the hospital 3 more times since then and Frank has had numerous surgeries and they (with our secondary) have covered it all except our copay for doc visits and drugs. Of course, we do pay Medicare Part B and pay to get our  secondary insurance..which is stilll less than I paid for our health insurance while
I was still teaching!!

It certainly has made life easier not having to worry about the financial end of all our
various ails!!

Just my 2ยข.janh  Stilllwater, OK

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