Linda & Rob and all,

You can take the rest of my perscription!  I was doing so well for a while there with the leg weakness and then I started on Lyrica.  I started slow for a couple of weeks, then I noticed I could hardly make it up the stairs at night.  I also couldn't even button a blouse.  I couldn't figure out what was wrong.  (I also couldn't "go" to the bathroom for days....)  I finally looked at the side effects sheet and lo and behold  - muscle weakness/decreased manually dexterity/constipation.   It never gave me the relief I hoped for either.  I know I was on a very low dose and maybe I should have stuck it out but I couldn't even function.  I'd rather live with the pain than not be able to function in the shortened capacity that I already have to live with.
I'll buy it for you and send you the bill!
Margie in Naperville, IL

On Thu, 01 Dec 2005 04:17:01 +0000, cherpent wrote

> Rob,
> I'm so glad you have had such success with Lyrica. My neuro gave me a month supply to see if it agreed with me and helped me. Well I had no side effects and it was the first time in almost 4 years with TM that I have had any relief from the constant burning, tingling etc. So my neuro called in a prescription for me.
> Long story short, after 4 appeals, my insurance company will NOT pay for it because it is marketed for those with neuropathic pain associated with diabetes. So I cannot get it! And I am back to the same old burning etc on the neurontin. It only takes the edge off.  Really wish I could get the Lyrica back!!!
> Good luck - I hope it continues to work wonders for you.
> Linda in Bothell, WA

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