Grace I think I read somewhere that eating yoghurt is good for thrush.
----- Original Message -----
From: Grace
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 3:13 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Medical Query RE: Prednisone.

Because I recently developed Thrush (It's doing great now.) my neuro would like me to drop my prednisone down to 15 mgs per day.  I don't want to, in fact I am terrified.  I've done a lot of reading and research re: reducing prednisone, and many who have relapsing Devic's, do in fact relapse shortly after reducing their dosage.  My Imuran is currently at 150mgs and there is a possibility of raising it to 200.  Right now my counts are fairly good.  White cell count is at 7.9 and the red cell count is high.  What should I do?

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