In a message dated 12/7/2005 11:39:20 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I am a "newbie" on the list, and I thank you all for your responses to
my first post.  I seem to have gleaned a positive generalization and
perhaps you could tell me if I am correct - that the symptoms seem to,
for the most part, only get BETTER.  Have any of you experienced an
INCREASE in symptoms?  What do you think caused it?  Could you have
prevented the relapse or recurrence?

Sorry for all the questions...this "gig" just hasn't settled in yet...


Philadelphia, PA

Hi Karen,
This is Jude, a 4year complete paraplegic due to TM with a sudden onset.  While the jury is still out on what causes TM, signs point to viral origins, at least that's one of the trains of thought.  That leave little for us to do to control the course of this disease.  There is little one can do to prevent onset or relapse once Tm has set in.
As far as my reading and discussions have taken me over time, there are few of us who continue to worsen once the initial phase of TM is over with.   There are, however, those of us with other problems related to TM who do worsen over time.  There is much to learn about this nightmare and how to live with it.
Use all of the means of learning about TM at your disposal.  Continue "talking" to us and don't be afraid to ask anything.  If one of us does not know the answer to a question, someone else will. 
We all try to maintain a positive mental attitude regarding our illnesses, but sometimes it gets difficult and that's when the friendships that develop here become most important.

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