In a message dated 12/8/2005 8:28:12 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
supposed to start snowing tonight thru tomorrow...possible up to 6 inches of snow...i guess that will keep me from going out for breakfast in the morning...oh well i'll have cereal in the morning and have to wait for my neighbor to shovel my driveway for me...i really feel bad that i can't do any of that myself...still hurting bad since the cold weather has set in...doing ok daughter wants me to go out to her place in las vegas for a while to get away from the weather...been thinking about it...not much else going on here..hope you are doing OK...haven't heard from you lately....please keep in touch....CHEERS to You And Your Husband
Have a GOOD DAY...............BOB
Hi Bob,
Sorry, it's been ages but I have been laid up, first in the hospital and after that in a nursing home.  I came home Christmas Eve day and have been in bed, where I will continue to stay until my two broken ankles and broken ribs have healed, which will take at least 6 - 8 weeks.
I broke my ankles doing regular stretching exercises and range of motion.  Not one doctor ever hinted that at some point my bones would become so brittle that they will break with little pressure.  From now on I will have to watch out for breaks in my legs, hips, feet, etc.
If I had been a weight bearing patient, I would have had extensive surgery on the left ankle which is broken in three places.  The right one is fractured and chipped, apparently the lesser injured of the two.
My ribs were broken when the EMT unit came to transport me from the hospital to the nursing home.  From the bed, a nurse took my legs and this huge, burly guy got behind me and lifted me in a great bear hug.  I didn't know that I had broken ribs until three days later when my husband noticed a bulge and serious bruising in my back.
I don't know what, if anything, I am going to do about it.  Anyone out there think I have rights?
Bob, I am sorry to include this note to everyone on the list, but am not up to writing it over and over again.  Yours was the first email on my list of 187 to open.
I hope you all had a lovely holiday!  I am sorry I wasn't around to enjoy it with my many TMIC friends.
Peace and Love,

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