Hi Jude,
Oh my, you having been going through a rough time.  I hope and pray for you that this will heal quickly and you will be back to your old self again - hey - or even better! Wouldn't that be nice!
Hugs and Blessings
Linda in Bothell, WA
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It would be much nicer and more appropriate for me to answer all of the lovely emails sent by my concerned TM family one by one, but the fact is that I am too tired to type that many responses and so am hoping that this one "thank you" will be adequate.
Home nursing was just here and set me up for physical, mental and spiritual help.  I don't know why I am having such a difficult time getting through this...it just seems like adding insult to injury.  But, we have all been there at some point in our lives.
Dave and I did no shopping for Christmas gifts, so this year seemed spare on our part, but actually a bit nicer in a way.  The children have been lovely and grateful to have me home once again and didn't care a whit about not getting presents from us.
We were Blessed with lovely friends who came on Christmas Eve to sing Christmas carols with us.  They brought a small decorated tree and gifts for Dave and Me.  Then, Dave went to their home for dinner Christmas Day and brought home copious amounts of wonderfully prepared food.  Lots of "comfort" food for me, in the form of stuffing, mashed potatoes & gravy, cornbread and pie.  They did include turkey and other healthful foods, but who cares???
Thank you to those of you who sent kind regards and get well messages.  It means a lot to me to know that you are thinking of me.  When cursed with a disease such as TM and associated accompanying diseases, it is good to have friends who understand not only the broad picture of ill health, but the minutiae of details too.

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