>i  guess i have a question about that..i > know that as you grow older your 
>bones change but do we have to be more > careful about what we do and are our 
>bones more brittle because of our > medical problems

I had a lomg discussion with my Physiotherapist about this.  Before TM, I 
walked several miles aday, bictcled, climbed small mountains, walked up stairs, 
in stead of taking elevators.  This kept my lipids low.  But then TM slowed, 
then stopped most all of these activities.  My lipids went up, I started 
lipitor and Folic acid, and thought I was OK till the PT told me I was going to 
get OSTEOPOROSIS cause I wasn't moving- she reassured me about osteo in my 
thumb as I used it to change channels.

Lack of activity leads to osteoporosis, leads to broken bones, etc



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