In a message dated 12/31/2005 2:30:28 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


And how do you do that when you are in a wheelchair?  I do some cardio arm things
but that doesn't help my legs/back any.
I am certainly open to suggestions here.
Mary Eden
                    "If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under."  
                                                                           ~  Ronald Reagan  ~ 
                                                                               August 23, 1984
Hi Mary and All,
Exersize, per se', isn't going to slow down the type of osteoporosis that I am experiencing.  A person must:
To weight bear means to stand, walk , run, and to do all of the things we used to do to build strong bones.  Standing, is what it takes for bones to replacate.   Our cells need to regenerate in the proper order for them to actually be of use to us.
The doctors and physiologists don't know any more about this side effect of TM than anyone else.  The finding was only discovered earlier this year.  My physiologist at U of M in Ann Arbor, told me, promised me that my feet and legs would not become disfigured and twisted like others I have seen.  Well, here I am only 3.5 years into TM and I am in big trouble.
There is nothing left to do but grin and bear it.

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