My computer has not been feeling well so have been away for a while.  Hope everyone had a happy new year.  Prior to computer going down I heard from someone in Uk that was taking Lyrica.  I tried this and it made my muscles weak and legs stiff.  He also said his legs were stiff but he was contenting taking the Lyrica because it was helping his back.  I wonder if he is still having the side effects or if they have gone away.  If anybody else has any comments about Lyrica, let me know.
I am now taking Neurontin and I just got refill and accidentally did not read directions.  Ended up taking l600mg every eight hours rather than 800me.  Anyway I feel much better and was wondering if anyone knew how much of this stuff you can take.  Of course, this always happens on Friday when I cannot get doctor.
Many thanks for any comments.
Ann in Virginia

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